2025 – Lush’s Caviar Manifesto 

As we step into 2025, bracing ourselves for the cultural shifts and chaos ahead, there  comes a moment to plant our flag, dig in our heels, and declare the hill we’ll die on.  That hill is luxury—not in grand, unattainable gestures, but in the small, daily  indulgences that remind us life is worth savoring.  

This year will demand more of us—more grit, more innovation, more tolerance. So,  what will be our solace at the end of each grueling day? I say it’s Lush. It’s not just a  place—it’s a sanctuary. A glass of exquisite wine, maybe the whole damn bottle,  paired with the perfect bite of sustenance. Enter caviar, but let’s rewind a bit and  give this delicacy the backstory it deserves.  

Caviar. Fancy, right? The stuff of aristocrats and movie stars. But what is it, really?  Mr. Google informs us: salt­cured roe from sturgeon, a delicacy dating back to the  Persian Empire. Traditionally, only the roe from wild sturgeon like beluga, ossetra,  and sevruga counts, though other fish have since joined the party.  

My early brushes with caviar were…underwhelming. The allure felt like a rich man’s  game, a Russian czar’s indulgence. But my curiosity endured, fueled by my father—a  worldly man who couldn’t be swayed by trend­chasers. I asked him why caviar was  such a big deal, and whether there was any real difference between the types.  His answer was simple: “Let’s try them all and find out.”  

About 25 years ago, on New Year’s Eve, we did just that. Beluga, Ossetra, Sevruga,  and even some salmon roe laid out with bread, butter, hard­boiled eggs, and crème  fraîche. Vodka on ice, of course. The Beluga was a revelation—fucking fantastic and  

painfully expensive. Ossetra held its own, and without the Beluga for comparison,  we might have thought it was the pinnacle.  

Lesson learned: good caviar is worth it. Lesson two: it’ll cost you.  

In the decades since, we’ve danced with caviar on our menu. On oysters, on eggs, in  sushi, even on potato chips with a hint of crème fraîche—so simple, so perfect. But the  quest has always been to find fine caviar that wouldn’t bankrupt us or our guests.  

That quest led to a chance meeting in Wisconsin with a man in the caviar trade.  Skeptical at first, I found myself months later in a German caviar farm, standing on  the cusp of old­world tradition and modern innovation. He tried to get me to wrestle  a 150­pound, 30­year­old sturgeon. I didn’t take the bait, but I left with something  more valuable: a source of exceptional caviar.  

Now, the mission is clear. Bring this luxury to Lush. We’ve long championed champagne  because, well, caviar demands it. The two are a match made in indulgent heaven.  

So here we are, on the brink of turmoil, standing firm on our hill of luxury. With  champagne in one hand and caviar in the other, Lush will be the haven where we find  solace and strength to face whatever comes next. One bite, one sip, one day at a time. 

New Caviar Service at LUSH Roscoe Village  

Well, well, well… look who’s feeling fancy today.  

Here at LUSH, we’re diving headfirst into our decades­long love affair with  caviar. And like any great romance, we’re starting slow, just a little seduction,  a little intrigue. First up: Trout Roe from France. Think of it as our foot in the  

door, a tantalizing teaser of what’s to come. The main event, Sturgeon  Roe is on its way, but in the meantime, we’ve got something spectacular  to keep your taste buds entertained.  

Our Trout Roe is served with custom potato chips straight out of Rockford,  silky crème fraîche, and a touch of Togarashi blended right here on Chicago  Avenue. Add a bottle of grower Champagne, and suddenly, you’re not just  

having a snack—you’re living a moment. A decadent, crisp, bubbly,  kiss‐your‐worries‐goodbye kind of moment.  

So go ahead—treat yourself. You deserve it.  

And stay tuned… this is just the beginning. 


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