Umathum Gelber und Roter Traminer 2019
When in Rome, do as the Romans do" - an age-old expression and exactly what LUSH hopes to do with this week's Wednesday Word on Wine: a delicious bottle of the Umathum Gelber und Roter Traminer 2019. Traminer is one of the oldest varieties in Europe, believed to have been a favorite of the Romans (although under a different name, "Vitis aminera"). Traminer has a range of colors, differentiated by name (the light-red-ish-pink-ish strain being the popular Gewürztraminer). In this week's highlighted Austrian August pick, producer Umathum has combined two mutations of Traminer grape - Roter Traminer (red) and Gelber Traminer (yellow) – to create an elegant and particularly unexpected expression of this historic grape. Umathum Gelber & Roter Traminer Umathum practices biodanymic farming and sources its Roter and Gelber Traminer from vines older than 40 years old. These vines sit alongside Lake Neusiedlersee, in two sandy estate vineyards. Gelber Traminer is known for its honey and floral characteristics; a perfect companion for a blend with its relative, the aromatically rosy and thick-skinned Roter Traminer. After undergoing fermentation in Austrian wooden casks, this blend takes on low acidity but extremely dry and aromatic expressions. The Umathum Gelber und Roter Traminer 2019 possesses rich floral aromas, in addition to hints of dry fruit and orange peel. Its taste palate is absolutely lovely, with fresh citrus fruits and a balance between slight residual sweetness and pleasant bitterness. Every Wednesday Word on Wine pick is wonderful to sip alone, but what is better than a good glass of wine with a good plate of food? At the very least, the Umathum Gelber und Roter Traminer is a great choice in wine for a LUSH charcuterie board. However, it is also a tasty companion to a plate of spiced dishes, such as similarly aromatic Northern Indian or Moroccan food.